ENG-TECH Consulting Limited (ENG-TECH) completed the requested foundation assessment for the proposed residential building located at 109 Mayfair Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba. ENG-TECH understands that the proposed development is a 15-storey building with one (1) level of underground and two (2) levels of above-ground parking. The proposed building extends from near the top of the riverbank to Mayfair Avenue. The purpose of the investigation is to evaluate the soil conditions within or close to the footprint of the proposed building in order to provide recommendations for the foundation, concrete durability and parking areas. The purpose of the slope stability assessment is to evaluate the soil conditions within or close to the footprint of the proposed building in order to provide recommendations for riverbank stability and flood protection.
Based on the soil conditions and the magnitude of the typical loads for a fifteen (15) storey residential building, deep foundations such as driven end-bearing steel H piles, pre-stressed pre-cast concrete piles and rock-socketed caissons embedded within sound bedrock would be the most suitable foundation types to limit settlement and differential movement. Cast-in-place concrete friction piles or any shallow foundation were not considered viable options due to magnitude of the expected loads. Therefore, only foundation recommendations for end bearing concrete and steel driven piles and rock-socket caissons is presented for this project report.